What is Cyclpac?

Cyclpac supports your sustainable packaging transition, from design consultation to lab analyses and material selection through our packaging production and converter network.

Why Cyclpac?

‘Cycl’ is the Greek root word meaning ‘circle’, and the origin of various more familiar words such as circular and recycle.

‘Pac’ as you might imagine, refers to packaging and so Cyclpac seemed like the ideal fusion of seven otherwise disjointed letters to capture everything we want to do and change in the global packaging industry:

  • Using plastic feedstocks more intelligently and sustainably through reuse and recycling
  • Reducing plastic waste

How we work

Through our strategic partner network, we collaborate with leading industry manufacturers to bring the best materials and technical solutions to our clients around the world.

We do not ‘just supply’, but strive to understand your objectives to help address your challenges and meet your aspirations.

We work with converters, brand owners, retailers within our customer network to

  • Secure positive packaging outcomes
  • Provide insight, knowledge, materials and solutions to support sustainable packaging transition

Through strong partnerships and shared learning, we are committed to accelerating the pace of change towards the rewards of meeting circular economy objectives.



Material sourcing and procurement

Partnering with leading industry manufactures to support the sales, procurement and distribution of market leading substrates throughout ANZ, Asia, Middle East, Europe and North America.

Product development

Lab analyses and technical solution design to assist material selection and packaging style.

Focus on circular economy objectives without compromising packaging performance or commercial outcomes.

Technical support

A robust framework to trial packaging ideas and optimise packaging processes, guiding you through the end-to-end process of development and implementation.


Full design and brand development services from concepts to finished artworks.

Our design team helps consolidate your vision and support the evolution of your brand.

Prepress management

We translate all your packaging designs and colour selections into printable solutions delivering consistency across different printing profiles.

Planning and logistics

Our experienced team actively manages critical paths, logistics, warehousing and distribution, providing clear communication and reliable after sales support.